I’m a board-certified clinical pharmacist practicing in Arkansas. I’m a member of the ACCP, the AMWA, SIDP, and HIMSS. This domain was originally set up when I was in pharmacy school to do a published paper on digital resources for pharmacists and I use it sporadically to post what I want to talk about.
Healthcare misinformation runs rampant and consumers aren’t given the tools to decipher it. Not even practitioners really are. Part of this blog will be dedicated to breaking those barriers.
In addition, I’ve been researching zoopharmacognosy for a long time and this could be a fun place to share that information too.
I also use it to update my notes whenever something new comes out for myself and my students, so I’ll keep those here. Feel free to use them as a study guide, but I highly recommend checking out other sources before making clinical decisions (I’m working to link the guidelines so you can read for yourself, but that’s a project in progress).
I’m @DrGPharmD on Twitter.